Our logo design includes icons and graphic devices for special Disney events, client product-ranges and video games. We’re sometimes asked to refine existing characters, or we design our own in collaboration with the client.
Disney Logos
Disney has often asked us to work on their most famous icon: the Mickey Mouse ears silhouette. These three circles are instantly recognisable as representing the company and a lot can be done with something so simple! The shapes can be used in logos and supporting patterned elements.

Client Logos
Clients want iconography that instantly represents their company and over the years we’ve provided that in numerous ways. Our quirky, illustrative logos have been made in digital 2D and 3D, and in some cases, physically.

Game Logos
Our game logos are typically more detailed than other client logos, as these often feature and represent elements of each game. They can at times also be for a range of games with sequels and tie-ins, so we also update and add to our older work.